• Displays at the I-Center and Student Center celebrate women's history and causes

IWD Event Archives

Read stories and remember events from previous International Women's Days at UC San Diego:

IWD 2015

The IWD theme for 2015 was "Make It Happen."
What can we "make happen" to expand awareness of women's issues around the world.

  • Speakers
  • UCSD Women Who Make It Happen

IWD 2014

The IWD theme for 2014 was "Inspiring Change."
How are we as individuals able to Inspire Change in a positive way that affects our every day lives, those around us, and others further around the globe.

IWD 2013

The IWD theme for 2013 was "The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum."
Over time and distance, the equal rights of women have progressed. We celebrate the achievements of women while remaining vigilant and tenacious for further sustainable change. There is global momentum for championing women's equality.

IWD 2012

IWD 2011